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Obsidian Setup

Obsidian is extremely customizable, wich can be an issue for newcomers.
We provide a base-setup that can be used as is, including plugins and themes aswell as their finetuned settings.
This is a base-setup and can be further tweaked to anyones personal preference.
We provide just a working solution - wich we will document and explain here.

Terms used

Vault - a collection of markdown files and images that form the knowledge base


  • Advanced Canvas
  • BRAT
  • Better Wordcount
  • Clear Unused Images
  • Dataview
  • Dataview Serializer
  • Emoji Toolbar
  • Linter
  • Note Toolbar
  • Tag Wrangler
  • Templater
  • Beautitab
  • Omnisearch
  • Status Bar Organizer
  • Workspaces Plus
  • Sortable

Advanced Canvas

Gives access to a lot of new functionality and styling options for Canvas


needed to install unofficial plugins / plugins not registered in Obsidians Ecosystem, namely:
- Dataview Serializer
- Sortable

Better Word Count

Mainly used for its ability to show number of words/characters in highlighted text.
Is visible in status-bar


Purely cosmetical, gives a customizable "empty new tab" page

Clear unused Images

as the name says, helps with organizing the vault by identifying unused images

❗I exluded the subfolder /site/ so it doesnt delete always the images from the build website (wich isnt an issue, more of an annoyance)

❗Careful with using the clear attachments command - as this will always delete mkdocs.yml and the license. --> if this happens, the files are in the .trash folder and can be recovered. But its easy to miss.


enables SQL like queries on the vault

Dataview Serializer

turn Dataview results into markdown
helps with re-using the results of dataview queries in the actual notes

Emoji Toolbar

well, gives easy access to emojis
Hotkey set to: ALT-E


cleans up markdown files and frontmatter data
helps with keeping a consistent form

Note Toolbar

enables customizable toolbars on top of a note that can be defined on a folder/file level

Tag Wrangler

gives additional options to work with tags
- renaming tags
helps with organizing the vault


allows customizable templates that can be inserted manually or based on conditions (like creating a note)

Status Bar Organizer

Allows to hide items from the status bar


Allows sorting of tables (both markdown aswell as dataview tables) by clicking on their headers.

Workspaces Plus

Allows for an easy quick-switch from the status bar

Vault File System

Vault File System